We are closed on the 10th of March for the Labour Day long weekend

SMARTSTEP our Entry Assist Side Steps / Running Boards installed!

The stock Ranger is crying out for some type of side step / running board to give it extra width and that muscle look and now we have the perfect answer!

Our SMARTSTEP Entry Assist Side Steps / Running Boards are specially engineered to extend and retract when the doors are open or closed!

Due to this design the steps are the perfect balance between styling and usability! 

They extend when the door is open to give you a very easy "step" into the car!
They retract when the door is closed or when the vehicle is moving for safety and styling too! 

We fitted these to our Project Ranger a couple of weeks ago and tested them extensively! They can hold up to 300KG weight per side step, they are silent and durable and they work flawlessly!

This is the perfect accessory for your Ranger, especially if you have someone who has trouble getting in and out of the Truck!

click here for specs, pricing and more info!


  • How well do the steps stand up to off road use?
    What happens if you are stuck in a rut and there is not enough clearance for the step to deploy?

    Colin MacDowall
  • Hi Rainer,
    The LED Taillights are $495.00 AUD + delivery.
    If you are in Germany we would need to quote on postage to your area.
    The side steps would be expensive to ship to Germany but we can quote if you wanted too.

  • Es wäre schön, wenn man auch die Preise aufrufen könnte ,so wie der Preis für die LED Rückleuchten. Ich fahre seit 3 Wochen einen Ford Ranger Wildtrak Bj 10.2017

    BÖHNER Rainer

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